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Work In Progress

Where am I going? Who knows? This is a work in progress!

By Elise

As a marketing professional, I recognize that one of the most valuable tools available to an organization is its digital presence. I believe that information should be clear and concise, easily accessible in all mediums, and carefully tailored to match the audience or task. I view every web project as a puzzle and truly love untangling problems and creating order. As my career evolves, I want to work and learn within a talented team of creative individuals who actively seek information about the latest trends and updates to digital engagement. I live in Washington, DC and enjoy the green spaces in my city on a daily basis. I'm an avid gardener, the proud owner of two small plots in my backyard where I cultivate beets, peas, beans, peppers, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. I'm in constant battle to keep the alley cats and neighborhood rats away - you can read more about my trials and triumphs on my gardening blog: Shoots and Ladders (http://shootsnladders.wordpress.com/).

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